Original The Muppet Muppets Mahna Mahna Logo T-shirt

 If you’re supershy, introduce yourself to random people at the Original The Muppet Muppets Mahna Mahna Logo T-shirt Besides,I will do this supermarket just to wish them a nice day and compliment them on their shirt, their hair, their dress etc. After a few dozen introductions you won’t be shy anymore! Everyone you talk to will have this question at the back of their minds. EVERYONE. Everything you do, everything you say must address this question. How? By asking questions. Ask lots of questions and listen. Try to find out what they want, what they need, and how you can help them get there. Hi, I’m Justin thanks for meeting me. I can do all kinds of T-shirts for you. I can design your logo; I can print them in purple, black, or white; I can do sizes L, M, S, and XL; I can have them delivered by the dozen; I can do this; I can do that etc. etc.

Original The Muppet Muppets Mahna Mahna Logo T-shirt

You: “Hi, I’m Justin thanks for meeting me. So you’re doing that education fair right? What sort of T-shirt design do you think will work for you?” You:”hmm, that can work, white T-shirts do look clean and presentable. Do you want something that’s minimal and clean, or do you want something that would catch people’s attention?” You: “Hmm…. your university’s color is red right? What if we switched the Original The Muppet Muppets Mahna Mahna Logo T-shirt Besides,I will do this color scheme around, and do your shirts all in red? That’ll be really eye catching! What’s more, collared Polo Tees would make your team look much smarter than with uncollared Ts. Would you like me to draw it out for you and you can see for yourself?” Then stop talking. If they ask you buying questions such as how much your T-shirts will cost, how long it will take etc. you’ve got your sale.

Buy this shirt:  Original The Muppet Muppets Mahna Mahna Logo T-shirt

Home:  Legendusashirt


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