Original Picard Star Trek Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

 Impossible. There is NO mission critical job on a ship where there is a single person that performs the Original Picard Star Trek Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt but in fact I love this task. For a specific ship’s specific role, those performing (or directly supporting) that rule will number in the dozens. Even the most senior of them is replaceable by someone else – usually several “someone elses.” Just like redundant systems on airplanes, there are redundant people on ships- on purpose. There are rider that know more than others, but typically by the time a sale gets to a shop they know enough about their job to perform with very little supervision.

Original Picard Star Trek Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

A perfect example is the Original Picard Star Trek Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt but in fact I love this fire in the USS Forrestall (look up the video “Trial By Fire” on YouTube – absolutely enthralling). No less than 3 entire firefighting teams were wiped out. Yet there were still others who came to the rescue and saved the ship. NSA cryptographers had cracked most military ciphers by the late 1970’s and thus military cryptologic specialists were able to listen in on their enemies’ plans in real time. Alas, what was also needed in most cases was a corps of military linguists to translate these plans into English. Thus the Defense Language Institute, in its various branches, was kept busy training linguists in all the languages of America’s adversaries and sending them to the front lines. The problem was, those responsible for filling the class rolls had to be able to predict a year in advance who those enemies would be, and of course this wasn’t always possible.

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