Original Skeeter And Doug White Men Can Shirt

 Once you make E-6 they game changes. FMS gives way to Chief Boards. The element of ‘reputation’ now enters the Original Skeeter And Doug White Men Can Shirt also I will do this fold. Most E-6’s will ‘make board’, however making board is not a promotion. Many E-6’s will not be ‘selected’ by the board. E-6’s can go several years without being selected. Ultimately in many jobs, there just aren’t enough E-7 spots open, so the competition is stiff. An E-6 will have 22 years before they HYT out. E-7 going for E-8 and E-8 going for E-9 will be a virtual shit show. It will be difficult to make E-8 and E-9 in the Navy. In many cases some of these E-7’s will be the best of the best and still not make it. Maybe they didnt get along with someone so well or they did their job so well it made someone jealous…yes this is a thing…it can be political and very much so.

Original Skeeter And Doug White Men Can Shirt

HYT doesnt usually happen to bad sailors. Bad sailors will be shown the Original Skeeter And Doug White Men Can Shirt also I will do this door long before they get to HYT. Failure? Ultimately it could be looked at in that way but I digress. Some sailors will not want to move up past a certain rank for various reasons. Many great sailors have come and gone without making it to the top of the heap. And they didn’t fail. Some 1st Class Petty Officer’s will simply decide at a certain point they they don’t wish to enter the realm of the politically charged drama that is involved with making Chief Petty Officer. Some sailors will make Chief and come to that realization as well. 20 is enough for some. Better to get out younger and make a fresher charge at the civvy sector. Does that Chief that retired at 20 years mean he/she is a failure? Not even close. Its smart if you ask me.

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