Original Am Dog Will Party T-shirt

 It’s evident that this was a normal way you conducted buisness, and it disgusts me that we shared the Original Am Dog Will Party T-shirt Besides,I will do this same uniform. Who knows how many quality soldiers you screwed over with your self aggrandizing, narccastic, and sociopathic ways, and toxic brand of leadership. There is a prescribed duty uniform that a soldier is expected to be in which helps protect the soldier from the elements, climate, and environment, as well as positively identify that soldier by unit, name, and as a member of the US armed forces. Vietnam aside, generally when you see a warfighter in only part of their uniform, it is because something happened which kept them from getting fully dressed. This can include artillery counter-fire missions at odd hours, ambushes, and so on. An example, during my second deployment to Baghdad, my Personal Security Detail (PSD) team had just finished a fairly long mission and finished getting everything cleaned and reset around 9:30pm. Most of us decided to bed down early since we had another mission at 7am. Around 10:30 or 11:30pm (I only really remember it as “late”) a runner showed up from the TOC to let us know that they just received information that enemy combatants had infiltrated the compound (we shared security with Iraqis 1:3 us to them). We were roused, told to grab our armor and weapons, and were doled out our defensive positions among the various rooftops, hallways, and balconies of our compound. Most of us were still in our sleeping clothes (PT uniform), though some of us had time to get uniform pants on over our PTs. I was one of the few who had not gone to sleep yet, so I was still in my tshirt and pants. I still only managed to get in full uniform from the waist down before we had to move. That alert didn’t end until 2:30 or 3:30am (this one I remember as “very late”).

Original Am Dog Will Party T-shirt

Hell No!! Our harbours depend upon it!!!! King Cnut demonstrated quite successfully that the Original Am Dog Will Party T-shirt Besides,I will do this laws of Nature are greater than the edicts of a King, as was his intention. And what do you think “military grade” means? Military grade just means it conforms to military standards of manufacturing, which most civilian firearms do anyway. I have a military grade flashlight, should that be banned? In fact, muskets were used by the military at one point. However, if you’re referring to semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15, semi-automatic rifles were used by civilians long before they were adopted by the military. As for the AR-15 itself, the current civilian version is semi-auto only, whereas the version that was adopted by the military as the M16 is select-fire (meaning it can fire on full-auto/burst fire, which legally makes it a machine gun). That version is not readily available to civilians. And even if they were in use by the military, SO WHAT? Do things become off-limits for everyone else as soon as the military uses them (even if civilians were using them first)? In that case, I need you to surrender your tactical internet, your military-grade phone, and your assault cargo pants. No more military-grade vehicles, either. The military uses vans, no more vans for you. The military uses pickup trucks, no more trucks for you.

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