Original Cleveland Guardians American Flag Logo T-shirt

 After decades of reforming and opening, China has evolved into a country whose citiczens generally keep an open mind. No one can put a man who simply just wears a T-shirt with an English sentence on it into jail, no matter what the Original Cleveland Guardians American Flag Logo T-shirt and I love this sentence is. It shocks me that some westerners still hold the opinion that China is an old-fashioned country with a bunch of political regulations. Such opinion is clearly out-dated and should be abolished. First of all, if any kind of political statement is in English, it’s much less likely to attract attention than one in Chinese. Secondly, as others have more or less pointed out, it’s not really a call to action so much as an innocuous noun phrase that could be interpreted in any number of ways; the wearer could always argue that it’s a statement about China being just as free as the US. The last time I was in China I visited the Whampoa Military Academy, which is a historical site from the era when the KMT (the Communists’ enemy during the civil war) was in charge. Inside vendors were selling all kinds of souvenirs, but in particular the sight of young couples walking out wearing KMT military caps right next door to a current naval base really stuck with me as a sign of how much China has changed. While the Communist party was tied to the KMT in its early years (see the picture below), I would imagine that such an act might have risked summary execution 40 years ago and arrest/imprisonment more recently.

Original Cleveland Guardians American Flag Logo T-shirt

Anyone coming up with a question like this probably lives in a country with absolutely NO knowledge of the Original Cleveland Guardians American Flag Logo T-shirt and I love this outside world. The shirt probably never got a second look. It was just another ordinary shirt with an ordinary message or graphic. A lot of people in China buy clothing with English writing on it, mostly without realizing what it means. To most of the locals (who cannot understand the printed words) it looks nice and cool. So, why not buying and wearing it. If you have not done it yet, I would recommend you to travel to China for a while and look at the funny t-shirts you can see around. Some of them are fantastic!

Buy this shirt:  Original Cleveland Guardians American Flag Logo T-shirt

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