Original The Drew And Mike Show T-shirt

 Sure enough, when I walked around the Original The Drew And Mike Show T-shirt so you should to go to store and get this corner I had to do a double-take. While I really thought his shirt was funny, I had to agree that it didn’t belong at a small, NH elementary school. What was it? It was a picture of two pigs intertwined and said “Makin’ Bacon!” I told him he had to make more mature decisions about what to wear in the future and made him turn it inside out for the rest of the day, as we lived too far from school to go home and change. The second T-shirt story I want to share didn’t happen to me – it happened to a friend of mine. As an international teacher, one gets used to the many languages and cultures around us. And, since everyone travels, the various T-shirts available in the tourist spots appear after every vacation. My friend was new to living overseas and was having to adjust to what he saw. When one of his middle school students appeared in the doorway with a shirt saying, “PHUKET” he was appalled and quickly asked the child what he was thinking when he got dressed that morning. He threatened to call the child’s parents – to suspend him for the day. The child, completely baffled, looked and sounded lost in this tirade. He looked up and said, “What’s wrong with this shirt? I got it in ‘poo-ket’ Thailand when we were there. Did I do something wrong?

Original The Drew And Mike Show T-shirt

The teacher, unsure what to say, decided not to reveal what he had THOUGHT the Original The Drew And Mike Show T-shirt so you should to go to store and get this t-shirt said. I’m sure the kid eventually figured out what the problem was when he told his friends what happened. But my friend had to make an awfully quick back-pedal to remove the tension! How Times have changed: Back around 1967, a kid at my high school wore a t-shirt with a peace sign on it. He was set home, and the next day his parents came to school to apologize for his breaking of the school dress-code. So almost fifty years later, a kid came to the local high school with a t-shirt with the message Fu*k you on the back. He gets sent home, and the next day, his attorney Father comes to school..to throw a fit about the school’s violation of his son’s right to free expression, and threatening a lawsuit. The school called his bluff, and said to go ahead and sue, which he didn’t. Some people…

Buy this shirt:  Original The Drew And Mike Show T-shirt

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