Original Rc Sproul What’s Wrong With You People T-shirt

 The early 70’s brought the Original Rc Sproul What’s Wrong With You People T-shirt and I love this early punks, Suicide, The Ramones, Televison, Patti Smith, The Stranglers, The Saints, DEVO, Radio Birdman, The Talking Heads etc… These bands were similar to the Proto-Punk bands but had more art school influences and involved more women. With the rise of the true punks, punk turned overtly political in the late 1970s in the UK some to the left as a protest against the Thatcher administration, some to the right with the Nationalist skinhead movement. US bands caught up somewhat in the 80’s with the election of Thatcher’s soul mate Ronald Reagan. This is Punk’s Golden Age (76-82), with bands like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Black Flag, The Buzzcocks, The Germs, Joy Division, The Birthday Party, The Fall, Husker Du, Minor Threat, The Mekons, The Scientists, The Dead Kennedys…

Original Rc Sproul What's Wrong With You People T-shirt

After the Original Rc Sproul What’s Wrong With You People T-shirt and I love this mid 80s, Punk began to Balkanize into the thousand sub genres that exist today. These groups are so diverse that they defy classification. During the 80’s punk also spread outside of the Anglophone (and to a lesser extent German speaking) countries, becoming a world wide subculture. From a geographical perspective, proto-punks were predominantly American, early punks were mostly American, British and Australian and true punks were mostly British and American. I am hoping that you will get a lot of somewhat different answers because this is a large question. Punk rock always defined itself as anti-mainstream, so to ask what would be a simple and generally presentable representation of what it consisted of at its conception is not easy to say. The only definition at the time was the opposite of what was currently pop music. Then there is always the definition which is approximately that punk is what happens when people with attitude…

Buy this shirt:  Original Rc Sproul What’s Wrong With You People T-shirt

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