Original Shadow Wizard Money Gang T-shirt

 “Left wing friends”? I’m not sure which part of the Original Shadow Wizard Money Gang T-shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this question offends me more — the “left wing” or the assumption that we are “friends”? A friend of mine would know that I’m not left or right or center politically, and they would know why. But, from the question, I can only surprise you’re part of the American Taliban (the Alt-Reich misfits), so I’ll answer the question because you boys fascinate me. To the question — I’ve seen plenty of footage from around the country over the years. Considering that BLM and Antifa are fighting for what’s right, I’m not sure there’s a justified use of deadly force. The moral compass of the American Taliban is not working properly — they see things that’s not there. The target of the American Taliban’s ire is never what you freaks go after. You’ll complain about the thugs (not BLM; not Antifa), but you’ll go after soft targets like BLM and Antifa. You’ll never go after the talk thugs because you’ll have to deal with some real shit. Street gangs and drug dealers (you know, the real thugs) will bring the violence to you in an ungodly way. You better hope that the real thugs —street gangs and drug dealers — don’t become political active.

Original Shadow Wizard Money Gang T-shirt

I don’t know what to tell you to relieve your self-created dilemma — follow what you think is right and how that it’s universally right. But, from your question and the Original Shadow Wizard Money Gang T-shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this history of the American Taliban, I’m not sure you understand right and wrong. Fascism, Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. are NOT right. When I stomach a modern day Republican long enough to ask if they REMEMBER or know the four founding values of the Republican Party, they never answer it. It’s only four. I was taught them at an early age by my Southern belle mother. This amounts to a “political-suicide pact”, and perhaps explains the current situation of the left and Democrats as well. The only point at that deadly force against anyone would be justified if said person would believable threaten you or someone around you with deadly force (by pointing a gun at them for example). Just protesting against facist (you know that antifa means anti facist right) or even damaging buildings (which per court documents is usually done by right wing idiots trying to undermine blm) is not enough.

Buy this shirt:  Original Shadow Wizard Money Gang T-shirt

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