Kicking The Stigma T-shirt

 If one is a leader who is used to living in a certain way, one is likely able to live this way because of the power that has been assembled by whatever means one used became a leader. So, when things go bad for the country one’s solution is not to live more modestly, it is to take more from what little is left from the citizenry. Sometimes force is used. Usually it is applied wickedly. When people in the country do things that harm nobody, but the leader doesn’t like it (or if the leader thinks that his/her not liking it will win even him/her more power), then the leader probably will use power to stop them, and will not think of whether it is just. That is also wicked.

Kicking The Stigma T-shirt

You know how they say, in any country that has elections, that anyone can become president? Well, sometimes that isn’t such a good thing. I will assume that your answer to Diane’s question is the living ones. Living African leaders? Let’s first dispel the notion that African leaders can be grouped together. They are diverse, very much so. There are some similarities, such as the strongman syndrome in some countries, and the fact that an increasing number of presidents want to run past the term limits. To get a better answer, you might need to ask a more specific question. I am sure someone will come and say they are all corrupt, which is just about right, but that would be a tad bit fallacious. Perhaps every leader in the world is, just that the ones on the African continent are not as good at hiding it.

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