Notre Dame Football 2023 Sun Bowl Champions T-shirt

 πŸ’  And when I say strict dress code, I don’t mean like a private school dress code where everyone is dressed in the Notre Dame Football 2023 Sun Bowl Champions T-shirt besides I will buy this same color and fashion design. I went to a international convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2014 and I have to tell you, it was the most fabulous thing I’ve ever been to. I loved seeing brothers and sisters from all over the world dressed in their traditional dress according to their culture. It was quite amazing. We all rode on a train into the city and Right away hit it off with each other, talking and chattering and laughing and giving each other gifts 🎁 and it was just fabulous,.. people that rode the train into the city every day that read their book πŸ“– or had their headphones in their ears, or; on their phone πŸ“± or whatever. Were even looking up to check us out,πŸ‘€ and see what we were all about, cause they were amazed that we didn’t even know each other, that we were all different colors and sizes and descriptions, but they knew something was different, yet quite the same about us!!

Notre Dame Football 2023 Sun Bowl Champions T-shirt

I’m gonna give you a link to the Notre Dame Football 2023 Sun Bowl Champions T-shirt besides I will buy this convention video. I hope you will take a look at it. And try to find yourself a convention to go to somewhere in the world. No matter where you are you’ll be close to one, I’m sure of it! And then you can see for yourself if our elders come to our houses to possibly borrow our clothes so they can dress to the nines just like we do!? Actually, Jehovah’s witnesses don’t see things as allowed or not allowed, as if we were at school; we do or avoid certain things because that is our personal conviction. Did you know that we used to wear pins with the symbol of the cross, and that we used the cross in our publications? But we later understood that what must identify a true Christian is not the symbols we wear, but our conduct (following God’s morals and loving God and our neighbour) and our preaching activity.

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