Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt


Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt, hoodie, tank top, longsleeve

Twenty-five or so years ago, I shopped at a grocery store that was open 24 hours (it sadly is not now, however). At the Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt in contrast I will get this time, I often went very late at night due to shift work, or sometimes just to avoid the crowds. I can attest that no matter when you go, even at 3 a.m., even if there are only two shoppers in the store, you will end up in line behind someone whose transaction does not go smoothly. Debit cards where not as universal then as they are now; it was mainly the era of cash or checks. But even then, they were running checks through the computer. Self check-out was years in the future, and there was usually only one lane open.

Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt

The gentleman in front of me had written a check, and it was just straight-up being rejected. He insisted the Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt in contrast I will get this cashier try it again, and again, and again. She said the account was flagged, and it was never going to go through. I had my daughter and stepdaughter with me at the store. They were being complete brats, whining and crying for something or other every few steps and making a ton of noise doing it. I stopped. The older one said, “We’re not making fools out of ourselves, we’re making fools out of YOU!” She said it loud! The younger one was giggling. A random woman came up to the cart and said, “No you’re making fools out of yourselves. Everyone in the store is looking at you. They’re not looking at your mom. They feel sorry for your mom. They’re looking at you because you don’t know how to behave in public.” As she said it, she looked around for support like a preacher looking for an “AMEN!”

Buy this shirt:  Beythoven Cowboy Carter Kntry Radio Texas 100,000 Watts Of Healing Power T-shirt

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