Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I’m Beautiful T-shirt


Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I’m Beautiful T-shirt, hoodie, tank top, longsleeve

Three different assistant managers asked me if I’d like an application to work at the Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I’m Beautiful T-shirt and by the same token and store, but I had to refuse due to not being physically able to qualify for a position. I still shop at that store occasionally, but they changed the setup inside twice since I had a change-of-venue. Hope I can explain this. Thanksgiving 11 am. Guy puts FROZEN 14 lb? Turkey on checkout. “What temps do I need to have this ready for 2pm?” As they try telling him a frozen Turkey will not be edible cooking 2 hours he plays dumb. “I will just turn up the oven some more”. I realized he was prancing them. It was great. Other customers joining in. He kept playing dumb. I know I did not set stage right. But it was great. I considered stopping at a different store, try to pull same prank. We were waiting in the checkout line. This fiftyish overfed white couple in tight clothes were in front. In front of them was a HEAVILY tatooed and pierced woman with a boys haircut and wearing a muscle shirt.

Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I'm Beautiful T-shirt

The chubby white lady with bleached blond hair pointed at the Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I’m Beautiful T-shirt and by the same token and tatooed woman and said to her husband, “I think that woman is a lesbian.” The tattooed woman actually turnrd around and looked at her. The bleached blond woman stared back completely unabashed like she was studying a a very odd creature. This happened last year when there were all sorts of limits on the number of things you could buy of any certain product. We were in the checkout line behind a family that had 3 kids. This family was trying to but two cartons of eggs (each with 12 eggs), but they were only allowed to buy one. We had 3 gallons of distilled water (we have 2 family members with sleep apnea and people don’t typically buy distilled water just for drinking) and 2 gallons of bleach. Each of our things you were also only allowed to buy one of. The cashier told the family that they would only be allowed to buy one of their cartons of eggs and apologized for the inconvenience. She must have been new because she was having a hard time with the produce and needed a manager’s help. As the family was finishing paying, my dad said that he wanted to buy the eggs. The manager looked pissed but didn’t stop him. We bought the eggs and gave them to the family. They thank us and leave.

Buy this shirt:  Buy Me Guns And Tell Me I’m Beautiful T-shirt

Home:  Legendusashirt


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