No Small Cats Allowed Only Medvedev T-shirt

 I do have a couple of other rigs besides my main carry rig. My main carry rig does not work well with some garment choices so I have had to resort to using more then 1 rig. My other rigs are bulkier so it is easier to see that something is there, but even those rigs betray not what. Is it a smart phone? Is it a gun? You can’t tell. Suffice it to say, there are no guarantees in life. Isn’t carrying a concealed pistol uncomfortable, especially when seated? Do gun carriers have to buy looser clothing or do they adapt? In terms of pure physical comfort, carrying a pistol will never be as comfortable as not carrying a pistol. But then, not carrying all the No Small Cats Allowed Only Medvedev T-shirt Besides,I will do this stuff in my pockets will always be more comfortable than carrying all the stuff in my pockets. Obviously, the larger the gun, the worse it will be. But, there’s still a lot of variability here. Much of that is personal preference.

No Small Cats Allowed Only Medvedev T-shirt

If you carry inside the No Small Cats Allowed Only Medvedev T-shirt Besides,I will do this waste band (IWB), yes indeed you need larger pants. About 2 inches will do most people. Personally I don’t like IWB much. Preferences. You can also get nice, large, full belt holsters. You can get kydex. You can get little flap holsters. There are a myriad options to suite need and preference. Now, I find when I carry my 1911, sitting down is slightly uncomfortable. But I’ve figured out how to sit in chairs to mitigate that problem. Also, I’m lean, and I’ve found this little sweet spot just behind my hip that if I carry, I can hide a full size 1911 under a t-shirt. If I don’t bend over too far. People just think I’m a bit heavier than I am, due to how the shirt lays. On the other hand, my Walther PP is so damn small, I can fit it in my pants pocket. When I put it on my hip, I often don’t feel it.

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