Jo Lean T-shirt

This is not to say that if you dress better than the Jo Lean T-shirt also I will do this boss you will take their position. It has more to do with an attitude of what you put in you get out. When going into an interview the goal should never be to get “a job” the goal should be to get “the job”. Always aim to have the seat of the person interviewing you. Unless you want to be a low-level employee for forever, aim big. The clothes you wear reflect your attitude. If you want the bare minimum job then dress the part. But if you want that plush leather seat on the other side of the table then you’re going to have to dress better than the boss. When I’ve gone for job interviews as a software engineer – I’ve worn some regular pants and a shirt with a collar…no tie, no jacket…but when actually working there, jeans and a T-shirt were just fine.

Jo Lean T-shirt

“What is business attire consist of? Can it be a nice blouse or polo shirt and black slacks or dress for woman?” Yes, a nice blouse with a pair of black slacks, heels, perhaps a nice little jacket to go with the Jo Lean T-shirt also I will do this pair would be considered business attire. Now, there is a difference between “business wear” and “business casual” your polo shirt would fit into the casual category. When it comes to business attire, you want to focus on something with a polished look. Accessories, a complete head to toe look. In interview session everyone likes your confidence, integrity and suitability to the job you have applied for. If you are applying for an outside construction job, or a position at the beach, probably. For anything else, at least wear a button shirt and khakis. Make sure you have shoes, not flipflops or any other very casual shoe. Now, for some interviewers, none of this will make a difference. But, you don’t know who those folks are. Dressing a bit is an insurance policy. The big take away is no jeans. I would rock a polo (with an undershirt), some khakis, and dress shoes. Make sure that your belt and shoes match in color. I’ve been in your position as well (interviewing at a software company). If they’re US based and especially if they’re in Silicon Valley, a pair of slacks and a dress shirt with non-sneakers will be fine. Dark wash, unscuffed, undistressed jeans will work as well. I wore a gingham dress shirt, dark jeans, and boots to an interview and they didn’t even bat an eye.

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